Privacy Policies

Apps Over

data collection

We inform you that the data we collect when you use our services is: we collect the information you enter when creating your profile for user control purposes, we do not share said information with any third party, even so we recommend you to be cautious with the information that you enter to the page or application, since it is of a social network type, different people from different parts of the world enter who can use the information that you publish to carry out criminal actions, so we as a social network are not responsible for The information that you publish on sites with multiple user access, in terms of what corresponds to the private information that you enter and is stored in our databases, is guaranteed that it is not shared by us with any third party.

Possibilities of deletion of users and user accounts by the administrator and by the user.

By the user

Both in our applications and on our web pages, account deletion options are available when you consider it necessary, without the need to request permission or costs for said process, so we want to remind you that no one, neither administrator nor user, can at any time tell you that the account cannot be deleted or that a payment must be generated so that you can carry out this process.

By the administrators

We want to remind you that we cannot carry out actions privately since we respect your privacy and that of all users, but we do emphasize that all public information is controlled by our administrators, such as public messages that represent some type of risk to others users such as (violence, actions of racial, social and religious discrimination among others, pornography and harm to minors), our administrators have the power to cancel, block or delete your account if these types of activities are found publicly in our applications or web pages.

content control

On the part of the administrators and our allies on platforms, we do not allow the following acts which lead to the termination, deletion and cancellation of your user account.

Disclosure, publication of images, videos and comments of a pornographic nature.

Discrimination of any kind, be it gender, sexuality, ethnicity, religion, skin color, regional, social, among others.

Disclosure, publication of images, videos and comments of a violent nature that violate the good moral honor of other users.

Disclosure, publication of images, videos and comments of a violent nature that promote violence and incite to generate it.

Disclosure, publication of images, videos and comments of a pornographic nature that includes minors.

Disclosure, publication of images, videos and comments of a discriminatory nature that includes minors.

Disclosure, publication of images, videos and comments that sales promotions of a non-legal nature and origin such as (drugs, pornography among others).

users can

Register (enter, name, likes, emails, passwords)

Share images publicly or privately

Share videos publicly or privately depending on the platform

Talk in private and public chat with different users

Delete your account when you consider it necessary

Delete shared images

Delete shared videos

Users may not modify our platforms in any way, such as source code, functionality, visibility, among others.

The administrator can

Delete user posts in public sections

Eliminate users considered to be in violation of our policies

Restore user that is considered to be debugged after revisions

Carry out continuous review of publications in public sections of user actions.

Delete the platform temporarily or permanently

Make modifications to our privacy and use policies

Make changes to our platform

Changes to our policies

We are with the attitude of improving every day so that you have a better experience on our platforms, so we indicate that at any time we will modify, annex, rectify, delete or whatever is considered necessary to improve our privacy and use policies in a manner unilateral, so permission will not be requested for said changes, which indicates that changes can be made to our policies at any time if necessary or indicated by our allies.

Changes to our platforms

We are with the attitude of improving every day so that you have a better experience on our platforms, so we indicate that at any time we will modify, annex, rectify, delete or whatever is considered necessary to improve our platforms such as mobile applications or web platforms. unilaterally, so permission will not be requested for said changes, which indicates that changes can be made to our platforms at any time if necessary or indicated by our allies.


Our platforms are created for the purpose of social network-type training and is directed solely and exclusively for people of legal age, so if you are a minor, please do NOT use our platforms since our administrators carry out constant monitoring to validate and detect unauthorized users, immediately canceling any invalid account, we also request the favor of if you are aware of users who violate any of our policies, let us know through our reporting and user complaint channels, which are on our platforms.

Report and complaint of users

On all our platforms you will find the option to report or denounce users, this in order to fully monitor illegal and irresponsible activities by our users and also in order to maintain a cordial environment within our platforms. social media.


We as developers do not charge for the use of our social network platforms, both in mobile applications and on web pages, in order to cover our expenses and the continuous support and maintenance of our networks, we promote advertising from a third party which publishes according to the trackers that they support with each user, so we inform you that we provide our platforms to publish advertising and we clarify that the advertising that is displayed is segmented according to the platform and the trackers that you as a user deliver to the other platforms.


We as a company work so that our platforms work continuously and with the greatest agility possible, but we also clarify that they may stop working at any time temporarily or permanently, so we ask you not to use them for any other task other than that of communicating with other people in the nature of a social network, not linking our platform in a work manner, among others.


We remind all our users that none of our platforms generates any type of cost, we do not sell or charge for any functionality, so if for some reason someone charges you for the use of our platforms is outside of us and please let us know to take the necessary measures.

Registration and account creation

Any person of legal age can enter our platforms and create a user account, thus with the possibility of starting to meet people from all over the world.

Account deletion

Users can delete their accounts at any time without asking for permission and at no cost.

Publication of sensitive information

Users are responsible for the personal information they publish on our social networks, so they are advised to be very prudent with said public information, remembering that it is a social network where people from all over the world enter.

physical encounters

We are not responsible for the meetings that users generate outside of our platforms since our intention is to facilitate meetings virtually, but users are responsible for physical meetings such as appointments in certain places, etc., so we recommend being prudent, cautious and attentive with this type of citations

Personal information

The personal data that is entered into our platforms for user registration and stored in our databases will not be disclosed or shared with third parties, but it is clarified that the personal data that users publish publicly that is not in our control and It is entirely the responsibility of the users, so it is recommended to be very careful with this information.

Publication to third parties by AppsHoli`s

We do not share our users' information with third parties, so we inform our users that they should be cautious with the private information they post publicly on our platforms.

User Support

We have our email which is where we disappoint all complaints, reports or suggestions from our users.

For mobile applications we have availability in our user reporting section that is found in the main menu or at this same email.

We do not serve the rest by any other means, nor by means of chat within the applications, so if someone claims to be an administrator and communicates through the chats of the applications, ignore and report said user to carry out the follow-up. necessary.

User refund

To request a user refund due to a possible error by our administrators, write to us at, we will attend to your request as soon as possible, providing you with a response to said request in an average of 24 to 72 hours.

Usage Policies

We remember that our use policies are different from our privacy policies, so we recommend


We emphasize that our attention is only via email, we do not attend by any other means than this in an average of 24 to 72 hours.


We greatly appreciate that you have chosen our platforms for your entertainment and we remember that we are constantly working to improve, so we take all your complaints, claims and suggestions very much into account.